three blonde haired women with styled hair

The truth about mermaid, pastel, unicorn coloured hair.

Thinking of adding some colour to your life? Here are the facts you need to know before embarking on this type of hair colour.

1. A clean canvas is required.

To get the cleanest, most vibrant of colours a light (or clean light blonde) is a pre-requisite. If your hair is
dark or coloured a few lightening appointments will be required first to remove colour and make you as blonde as possible before applying your colour of choice.

2. The maintenance is high.

Fashion colours fade fast as they don’t contain much “base”
shade. That paired with drier condition of the hair
from the lightening required to create a suitable base means the colour will start to fade from the first wash and will significantly fade within a couple of shampoos.

3. It’s expensive.

You will either require more regular salon visits and/or toners to apply at home. Plus extra moisturising products to help retain the colour and perhaps a dry shampoo to extend the need to wash your hair.

4. It’s fun!

It’s only hair. You only live once! I love feeling less serious, getting mostly positive comments and dividing my family and friends wink emoticon My kids and friends love it, hubby doesn’t. But the only opinion that really matters is my own. I love it for now…. Until I get sick of the maintenance.