two women with styled hair

Top 5 Tips To Shiny Hair This Summer

Take Cooler Showers. Now the sun is warming us up, you can turn your water temp down. Cooler water will slow down colour fade and helps look after the cuticle (outer) layer of your hair shaft which is the protective layer of your hair. When healthy, it gives you loads of shine and less tangles.

Be Gentle When Hair is Wet. Don’t try to comb your hair unless it has been conditioned. Wet hair straight out the pool or ocean will most likely tear or break. Breakage like this can lead to split ends and fuzz. So always shampoo and condition and be gentle with wet hair when combing and styling.

Use A Sunscreen. Like skin, hair also needs protection from heat and U.V. Use a specifically formulated protector like Natulique Heat & Sun Protector to shield from harmful U.V rays and heat styling tools as both fade colour and dehydrate hair easily.

Apply A Mask. Deep Treatment masks can add that extra moisture that the summer can take out. Masks can be left on between 2-20mins and a hot towel can be added to allow it to penetrate deeper and be a great little pamper in your busy schedule. Everescents Cinnamon & Patchouli Treatment is AMAZING!!

Get A Trim. Sometimes there’s no saving damaged ends. Trimming them off can invigorate dull, knotting hair. To help restore shine and good health.

For a more personalised consultation for your specific summer hair needs, you can BOOK here: https://atonewellness.gettimely.com/book

Alana xx