woman with blonde hair extensions

How To Maintain Healthy Hair Between Salon Visits

Healthy hair isn’t a one-time achievement – it’s an ongoing journey. We all know the feeling of stepping out the salon, hair looking flawless, and you just wish it could stay that way forever! The good news is, with a few essential tips and a little bit of effort, you can maintain that salon-fresh look between visits. Whether you’re looking to extend the life of your new colour, maintain shine or simply look after the overall health of your hair, this guide is packed with expert advice and tips to keep your hair in top shape. Let’s dive into the secrets of maintaining hair health between salon visits, so you can feel confident and beautiful every day.

Understanding Your Hair’s Needs

Healthy hair starts with understanding what makes yours unique. Just like your skin, your hair has its own set of characteristics and challenges requiring a tailored approach. By recognising your hair type and identifying common issues, you are able to personalise your routine to support and enhance the natural beauty of your hair.

Know Your Hair Type

Your hair type is the foundation of your haircare routine. Knowing whether your hair is straight, wavy, curly or coily aids you in determining the best routine and products to suit your unique needs. Straight hair naturally tends to get oily quicker and may require a pH balancing shampoo to prevent oil build up. Both wavy and curly hair types benefit from additional moisture, as their texture can lead to dryness. Coily hair, with its tight curls and ringlets, is typically the most prone type to dryness and breakage, meaning it requires gentle handling and lots of hydration. Understanding your hair type allows you to make informed decisions about how to best care for it.

Recognising Common Hair Issues

Each hair type comes with its own set of potential challenges, whether it’s dryness, frizz, breakage or a lack of volume. It’s important to identify these challenges early so you can address them with target treatments and remedies. For example, if frizz is something you struggle with, you may need extra hydration and a product that helps to seal hair cuticles. If breakage is a concern, you might need to strengthen your hair with protein treatments and avoid excessive heat styling. By recognising and understanding your hair type and its potential challenges, you can adapt your routine to tackle them, ensuring your hair remains healthy and resilient over time.

Daily Haircare Routine For Healthy Hair

Your daily haircare routine lays the foundation for lasting hair and scalp health. By incorporating a few key practices into your routine, you can keep your hair moisturised, protect it from damage and help to maintain its natural shine.

Gentle Cleansing

Cleansing is a critical part of any haircare routine, but it’s equally as important to strike the right balance. Washing too frequently can strip the oils from your hair, while not washing frequently enough can lead to buildup and an oily scalp. The key is to cleanse gently, using a sulphate-free, low-tox shampoo that effectively cleanses without causing irritation or dryness. Adjusting the frequency of washing based on your lifestyle and hair type is advantageous; for example, those with oily or fine hair may need to wash more frequently, while those with dry or textured hair can space out their washes. By taking care when you cleanse, you maintain your hair’s moisture and strength.

Conditioning & Moisturising

Conditioning is essential for ensuring your hair stays soft, smooth and manageable. It helps to replenish moisture lost during cleansing and protects the hair from damage. Focus on applying conditioner to the mid-lengths and ends of your hair, avoiding the roots to prevent them from becoming greasy. For added hydration, incorporate a deep conditioning treatment into your routine at least once per week. These treatments are designed to penetrate the hair shaft, providing intense moisture and nourishment that regular conditioners fail to match. With consistent conditioning, your hair will stay well hydrated, reducing the risk of split ends and breakage.

Protecting Your Hair

Every day, your hair is exposed to a range of potentially damage-causing elements including heat styling, friction from pillows, UV rays and environmental pollutants. Protecting your hair is crucial to preventing dryness, colour fading and split ends. A heat protectant should always be used before using hot tools, like straighteners and curling irons, to shield your hair from thermal damage. Additionally, consider products with inclusive UV protection to guard against sun exposure, particularly if you work or spend a lot of time outdoors. Silk pillowcases can help to minimise friction and prevent breakage, keeping your hair smooth and reducing the likelihood of tangles.

Weekly Haircare Rituals

Beyond daily maintenance, dedicating some time weekly to show your hair some enhanced care can make a significant difference in both its appearance and health. Weekly rituals such as scalp treatments and deep conditioning help to address underlying issues, providing your hair with the extra nourishment needed to stay vibrant and strong.

Incorporating Hair Masks

Hair masks are a wonderful way to give your damaged hair an intensive boost of hydration and strength. Unlike regular conditioners, hair masks contain higher concentrations of nourishing ingredients, penetrating deeper into the hair shaft to repair damage and add moisture. Depending on the specific needs of your hair, choose a mask that aligns with your goals, whether it’s moisture, repair or volume. Applying a mask once a week after shampooing and letting it sit for the recommended time allows the ingredients to work their magic.

Scalp Care For Healthy Hair Growth

A healthy scalp is the foundation of stunning, vitalised hair. Taking care of your scalp promotes hair growth, prevents issues like dandruff and creates an environment where your hair can thrive. Adding scalp care to your routine doesn’t need to be complicated – simply start by gently massaging your scalp with your fingertips while shampooing. This helps to stimulate blood flow and loosen any buildup. Once a week, consider utilising a scalp scrub or exfoliating treatment to remove dead skin cells and product residue, which can clog hair follicles and hinder growth.

Avoid Product Build Up

Styling products can help you achieve a variety of looks, but over time, they can leave behind residue on your hair and scalp, weighing your hair down and causing it to look dull. To avoid product buildup, incorporate a deep cleansing shampoo at least once per month. This aids in removing excess product, oil and impurities, leaving your hair feeling light. In saying this, care should always be taken to not overuse deep cleansing shampoos as they can strip your hair of natural oils if used too frequently.

Habits For Healthy Hair

Healthy hair isn’t only about the products you use or how often you visit the salon. Your everyday habits also have an effect on your hair’s strength, vitality and shine. By caring for your hair holistically, including nourishing your body and managing stress, you can promote hair growth and health from the inside out.

Nourishing Your Hair From Within

Beautiful hair starts from within. Your diet plays a significant role in the health of your hair, with certain nutrients being particularly beneficial for preventing breakage and promoting growth. Foods rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and C and zinc help to support strong, shiny hair. Protein is crucial for hair structure, while omega-3s keep your hair healthy and scalp hydrated. Vitamins and minerals contribute to hair growth and strength, while drinking enough water is key to maintaining the moisture balance in your hair.

Managing Stress & Its Impact On Your Hair

Stress is more than just a mental burden – it can also have direct impacts on your physical health and in turn your hair health. Chronic stress can lead to shedding, thinning and dullness, highlighting the importance of finding methods to effectively manage stress. Relaxation techniques such as meditation or even a simple daily walk can help to reduce stress. Not only will this enhance your overall wellbeing, but it will help to keep your hair strong and reduce the risk of stress-related hair loss.

Regular Trimming

While it may seem counterintuitive if you’re trying to grow your hair out, regular trims are vital for maintaining the health of your hair. Trimming every 6-8 weeks helps to remove split ends and prevent further damage, allowing your hair to grow longer and stronger. Regular trimming keep you looking neat, reduces frizz and maintains the integrity of your hair. Discuss with your stylist how often they recommend trimming based on your hair type and hair goals.

Choosing The Right Products

Selecting the most suitable haircare products helps you to maintain healthy, vibrant hair. With plentiful options available, it can be overwhelming to know which ones are truly beneficial for your hair type. Investing in quality products can make a world of difference in both the appearance and health of your hair.

Using Low-Tox, High Quality Products

The foundation of a solid haircare routine starts with products that are effective and gentle. Low-tox, high quality hair products free from harsh chemicals are essential for maintaining your hair’s natural balance. Low quality products can strip your hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. At Onje Hair, we believe in using only the finest products that protect the integrity of your hair, helping you achieve salon-worthy results daily.

Customising Your Haircare Routine

There are no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approaches to haircare. Your hair’s needs vary depending on factors such as hair texture, colour and how often you use heat styling tools. Customising your routine with products tailored to your hair type ensures you’re addressing its unique needs. If you’re unsure, ask your stylist during your appointments – they can recommend the best products to suit your hair’s current condition as well as your future goals.

Expert Advice: When To Book Your Next Appointment

Sometimes, even the most comprehensive at-home haircare routines can’t replace the expertise of a professional stylist. Knowing when to schedule your next appointment can make all the difference in maintaining the health, vibrancy and style of your hair.

Signs It’s Time For Your Next Salon Visit

At times your hair may give you clear signs that it’s ready for a salon visit. If you’re noticing increased split ends, fading colour or a lifeless feel to your hair, it’s time to book an appointment. Professional treatments can go beyond what you can achieve at home, offering services that bring your hair back to life.

Consulting Your Stylist

Regular appointments with your stylist are more than just an opportunity for a trim or touch up, they’re a vital part of your hair health journey. During these sessions, your stylist can assess the current condition of your hair, provide personalised recommendations and suggest treatments that cater to your hair’s evolving needs. This advice ensures you’re always using the correct products and techniques at home.


Maintaining healthy hair between visits to the salon doesn’t need to be complex. By understanding your hair’s requirements and incorporating a consistent routine to address them, you can keep your locks looking their best. Remember, small daily habits such as gentle cleansing, protecting your hair from heat and UV damage can make a significant difference in promoting hair growth over time. And when the time comes for a refresh, rest assured the team at Onje Hair is here to provide expert care and guidance.

Are you ready to take your hair health to the next level? Get in touch today to schedule a consultation with one of our skilled stylists!